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Today’s lecture at TWI – CP Level 1

Today’s lecture at TWI was by far our favorite training event. To our candidates: You are a constant inspiration to us! We are amazed at your intelligence, confidence and independence, the manner in which you conduct yourself at workshops and in the academic community. The commitment you show to your study, your college, families and each other inspires us to do the very best we can, because we want you to succeed and further develop yourselves and your societies.
From two hours to 10 hours, from a half-day to a day-and-a-half, from breakouts to interactive talks to group practice sessions, there’s always a candidate that proves this endeavor is worthwhile.
In addition to great lesson content, the TWI CP Level 1 offered hands-on practice, follow-up resources, and highly acclaimed course materials. We are proud of our candidates! Keep up the great work and follow your strengths and skills to great positions in your career.


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  • +90 530 86 70 140
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