English for Electrical Engineering: Power, Electronic, Communication, & Control
The course “English for Electrical Engineering: Power, Electronic, Communication, & Control” presents simple, explicit and easy for learning English language for Sudanese Ministry of Electricity and Energy in general and its sub-subsidiaries in Power Engineering, Electronic Engineering, Communication Engineering and Control Engineering.
Considerable emphasis is laid on the fundamentals concepts, principles and functions of various elements. The goal of this course is to introduce students to the basics of Electrical Engineering as well as basic general English. The candidates of Electrical Engineering at the ministry were easily able to understand the principles and concepts.
Each unit of this volume consists of different sections; i.e. Speaking, Reading Comprehension, Vocabulary, Grammar, Writing, etc. The units are arranged in a graded series; the grading being based on the different branches of Electrical Engineering and level of the written language.
The lecturer, Mr. Alen Hajimmov, has attempted to take advantage of the latest Electrical Engineering authentic texts in different reliable university-level, as well as the most up-to-date electrical text-books.
Moreover, we are proud to provide an opportunity for candidates to get familiar with the basics of speaking, reading comprehension and writing skills, and vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation as well.